Submit articles, commentary, cartoons, jokes, quotes, etc. to The Invisible Hand!

Guidelines for submission:

1. All work must be either originally created by the submitter or submitted with the creator's written consent.

2. It is preferred, but not required, that all submitters and creators of works are high school or college students, faculty, or staff.

3. We would greatly appreciate it if submitters would email us the topics of what they plan to submit as soon as they can. This way we can let you know if someone else is already planning to do something similar, and we can give you each other's email so you can collaborate on it if you'd like to.

4. EMAIL ALL SUBMISSIONS TO . It would be nice if you put "newsletter" in the subject line. Attachments in .doc, .jpg, and .gif are preferred.

5. Distributors may include local ads to help cover costs of publishing. Free libertarian ads will be accepted, and it will be up to the editors whether to put them in. Ads for local events might not be printed if they are not of national interest, but local groups printing and distributing the newsletter in their area may put event flyers inside of it. In addition, we will have an announcements section and encourage all campus libertarian groups who are distributing the newsletter to send us meeting/event announcements and websites to put in it.

6. Criticism of libertarian groups, common positions, trends, and thinkers is welcome. However, articles that simply blast libertarian ideas or positions and are obviously written from a philosophical standpoint hostile to libertarianism will probably not be published (unless they are really amusing and we want to print it to make fun of you).

7. Submissions including "profanity" or "obscenity" will not be discouraged. However, this does not mean that we will print everything – for example, if you send us porn to see if we will print it you are probably going to be disappointed as this is not the purpose of The Invisible Hand. Also, distributors are responsible if the newsletter contains anything that gets them in trouble with school administrations.

8. We would like (but we won't require) all submissions of written works to include a short biographical sentence or two about the author. For cartoons, jokes, and other short things, the name and school of the submitter would be good. Either can include a personal homepage if desired. Pseudonyms or pen names are fine.

9. The editors reserve the right to not publish any submission for any reason if they deem it necessary. If there are a lot of submissions, some works may be held for use in subsequent issues or put into a special "online only" edition. As The Invisible Hand is intended to be published at many universities, some groups may want to only print certain sections of it to cut down on size in order to save money. This is acceptable.

The goal of The Invisible Hand is to convey the message of liberty to a broader audience than libertarians usually have on campuses. Fulfilling this goal requires it to be entertaining and informative. Keep this in mind when you think about what you want to contribute.
